Your Questions Answered – An FAQ for UUFBR

Your Questions Answered

Is everyone welcome?

Our first principle, respect for the inherent worth and dignity of every person, calls upon us to build an open, inclusive community.

  • UUFBR members are native Floridians, transplants, and snowbirds.
  • We come from different religious backgrounds – Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Humanist, secular, pagan and others.
  • Our building is handicap-accessible. Hearing assist devices and large print services are available each Sunday.

For more about our inclusive culture, see  We Are a Welcoming Congregation.

How big is UUFBR?

Big enough for high ambitions. Small enough to feel like home. Our sanctuary has over 200 chairs. There are well over 100 members and dozens of friends

When should I visit?

Sunday Morning is a great time to get a feel for UUFBR. The Sunday service begins at 10:30 AM and you are invited to attend in-person in our sanctuary or online via zoom. Click here for the details.
– You may wish to begin by attending a different online or in-person activity. Click here to view our special events and ongoing activities.

– You can view our past sermons, services, speakers, and singers in streamed to Facebook here: , posted to YouTube here , shared on Spotify

– You can sign up for our monthly newsletter by emailing our office,, and adding “Newsletter” as subject line.

Is there a dress code?
Yes, come comfortable, come casual. Although some of us like wearing our Sunday best, it is not expected. Children should wear clothes easy to play in.
If I visit, should I bring my kids?

Of course! There is a basket of quiet activities to make the time pass more quickly, and Osias Hall (the room right outside the Sanctuary) serves as our “wiggle room”, with space to stretch restless legs and chairs for those who want to watch the service on the big TV.

What else should I know about Visiting?

On your way in, if you stop by the Greeters table, we’ll encourage you to fill out a name tag. During the service we invite visitors to introduce themselves, but it is fine to skip that or wait until a later date.

If you stop by the Welcome Table after the service, you can sign up for our twice weekly information emails, speak with a member of our welcoming team, and pick up written materials.

If I visit, will I be expected to put money in the basket?

That is up to you. Members make an annual pledge of financial support to the Fellowship, and many make their contributions by mail, so there will be no uncomfortable looks if you pass the basket along. On the other hand, every week we Share Our Plate, giving half of the collection to groups working for peace and justice in the South Florida community, and knowing that has made many a pledger put money in the plate. So again, its up to you. If you want to donate, thank you!

If I visit, and like it, what then?

Come back. Make sure we have your contact information: name, e-mail, phone, and address. Get involved. Look at the program overview, our newsletter and visit our Facebook or our Instagram page to find what appeals most to you. If UUFBR feels like the community you wish to make your spiritual home, then you may be ready for the next step on your journey to membership.

If I visit, will I be expected to sing?

No. No one will be expected to do anything he or she is not comfortable with. We encourage everyone to get involved as much as they feel wish, but there is never any pressure to join in with the singing or do a responsive reading if you would rather not. You can just enjoy the singing of the Chalice Choir. However, you might find yourself having a more meaningful experience when you relax and sing to your own satisfaction.  

Have anymore questions that you’d like answered? Contact our Admin Office or call (561) 482-2001📞