We Are a Welcoming Congregation

In 1989, stunned by the report of the Common Vision Planning Committee describing how negative attitudes, prejudices and ignorance excluded bi-sexual, gay and lesbian people from our congregations, the delegates of the Unitarian Universalist Association General Assembly overwhelmingly voted to initiate The Welcoming Congregation Program. Its aim is to change our movement by educating our members, building understanding and acceptance, and strengthening our ability to live out our first principle: respect for the inherent worth and dignity of every person. Currently 60% (645 out of 1041) of our congregations have completed this 2-year program and are now designated as Welcoming Congregations.


gay-marriage-massachusettsIn 2004, The Unitarian Universalist Association began The Freedom To Marry Campaign. At a Town Meeting, UUFBR members and friends affirmed our minister’s practice of officiating at weddings of all couples: straight, gay and lesbian.



UUFBR became a welcoming congregation on November 14, 2005.

Recently, the Side With Love Campaign has grown into a public advocacy campaign.

The campaign seeks to harness love’s power to stop oppression.