Walking The Labyrinth

We invite you to walk the Labyrinth at UUFBR, to stroll it, to dance it, or simply to sit in quiet contemplation.
Our labyrinth is a place for meditation, for discovery and healing; a place to center oneself, to express joy or sorrow; a place to deepen the spiritual journey. It is designed to give the members of our community a place to calm heart, mind, and soul under the beauty of the sky.
The labyrinth journey is a personal one. There is no ‘correct’ way to walk it. No one can predict what will happen—if anything. Some people focus on a spiritual question. Some just walk slowly, accepting whatever does or does not come during the experience. Others repeat a prayer or chant. Some dance their way around the circle.
Using the Labyrinth
Walking the labyrinth invites us to open our senses and focus on the process. We begin at the beginning. Every human journey, even a spiritual one, has a definite beginning. We are not far from the center even at the beginning, but we have a journey to make, a process of realization and self-discovery before we can find ourselves to be in fact, already at the center. When you step in, try to quiet your mind. Use the time for centering and meditation.
At the outset it seems we will get to the center on a straight run but we soon encounter the recurrent patterns of loops and bends that may make it feel we are making no progress. But unlike a Maze that has dead ends, a Labyrinth is a single path that leads to the center. Press on, and be at peace with yourself.
Upon reaching the center, pause, listen, be mindful of the moment. When you are ready, take the return trip slowly, absorbing the experience. Take a moment to breathe deeply as you exit.
The mind can go in a thousand directions, but on this beautiful path, I walk in peace. –Thich Nhat Hanh

UUFBR’s WomanSpirit group members constructed a temporary labyrinth here in 2001. Since then, the Friends of the UUFBR Labyrinth have taken on design and construction of a fixed installation, with help from a UUFBR Endowment grant.
Group walks are planned as well as the occasional “walk & weed” for ongoing maintenance.
The labyrinth is open for you to walk anytime. Use at your own risk. To schedule a group walk, contact our admin Ruth
We sincerely hope you enjoy our labyrinth and welcome you to come as often as you like. And share this unique community resource with your friends, too!
Please consider helping us to enhance and maintain this treasure. All donations to the UUFBR Labyrinth Project are tax-deductible and can be dropped off in the UUFBR office. Thanks!