Volunteer Opportunities

Make UUFBR the congregation of your dreams.

Your time and expertise can make amazing things happen.

Sign up below for a job that suits you. Look for a response from the contact person for that job.

Members are expected to give about 25 hours or more a year.

Worship Volunteers

Are you a warm and welcoming person? Do you enjoy worship at UUFBR? Are you wanting to work on your public speaking skills or be part of our wonderful, creative Worship Team? Then we have just the thing for you.

UUFBR’s Worship Planning Team is looking for a few new volunteers for our team. Please contact the Worship Team or talk to Rev Edith, Ron Roth, or Bill Jensen if you’d like to be involved in any of the following ways:


They welcome people into the Sanctuary, hand out Orders of Service and hymnals, help congregants find seats, and collect the offering.

Zoom Chaplains

they give our Zoomers voice by sharing the joys and sorrows expressed through the chat, and celebrate how vibrant our Zoom community Is by celebrating how many participants are worshipping on Zoom. And yes, you can do it even if you’re in the Sanctuary!


they give Zoom participants all the information needed to fully enjoy and understand the worship service: our minister’s name, where to get moreinfo about UUFBR and how to donate. It’s easy-just copy and paste from the script.

Worship Leaders/Emcees

They are the stage managers and emcees of worship, gathering all the participants, helping light the chalice and making the bowl sing, and there’s a script for that role, too!

Other Opportunities

Kitchen Krewe

Since the coffee and cookies don’t fix themselves, we are always looking for a few good folks to volunteer to set up the Coffee Hour spread before the Sunday Service or to clean up afterward. Or any day — we can always use a snack backstock to keep in the freezer until needed, like mini-muffins, donut holes, pound cakes, frozen fruit, etc.  Next time you go grocery shopping, would you please pick up an extra treat to share on Sunday?

Contact Marybeth Kugler for more info. Please put Coffee Hour Volunteer in the subject line.

Welcome Desk

Got a ready smile? Volunteers are needed for the Welcome Desk, to greet new and old friends and to make sure newcomers have a name tag and a few helpful hints.

Contact Sharon Drew to help out. Please put Welcome Desk Volunteer in the subject line.

Landscape Maintenance

Love the great outdoors? Help us keep our landscape tidy and weed-free. Every Wednesday we show up at 10:00 a.m., no appointment necessary. Stay an hour or more if you can. We have some hand tools, please bring your own sunhat, sunblock and water.

Contact Celia Hirsch for more information. Please put Landscape Volunteer in the subject line.

Inside Maintenance

Got some skills? (Electrical, carpentry, plumbing, organizing,…)

Contact  Patrick Lawson to see if you can help in these areas. Please put Inside Maintenance Volunteer in the subject line.

UUFBR Worship Team

The UUFBR worship team is here, and it needs you! If you are interested in joining, participating in worship planning, volunteering, or just want to share your thoughts on Sunday Services. Help us to build meaningful Sunday services that bring us together.

Contact the Worship Team with any questions. Please put Worship Team Volunteer in the subject line.

Office Help

Our stalwart admin Ruth can sometimes use an extra pair of hands in the UUFBR office.

Contact Ruth for more info. Please put Office Volunteer in the subject line.

Tech Team

Got mad WordPress skills? Any experience with audio/video equipment? Willing to learn something new? Our Tech Team can use your help.

Contact the IT Team for more info. Please put Tech Volunteer in the Subject line