Present at the Meeting: Jan Booher, Robert Duchemin, Linda Harmon, and Seyril Siegel

The meeting was called to order at 7:30pm. Initial conversation was about indoor air quality. Debra Weiss-Randall had contacted CIH Environmental Solutions, an indoor air quality assessment company recommended by Dr. Consuela Beck-Sague. The company told Debra that in order to determine the cost of air quality testing, they needed the square footage of the buildings.

  • The original building is approximately 9,000 sq ft
  • Rockberger is approximately 3,000 sq ft

Linda Harmon, who is currently serving on the Board, said that the Board is engaged on the air quality issue due to the number of complaints it has received.

  • Linda will put Debra Weiss-Randall and Donna Musial, who is working with the Board on this issue, in contact with each other. The Board has placed dehumidifiers in places that are routinely damp. 
  • Jan Booher will contact Charlie Cormier for copies of past minutes dealing with the air quality issue, and will write draft language for a proposed Green Sanctuary air quality project to substitute for the carpet project that was originally submitted in our Green Sanctuary application.

Ari Siegel spearheaded a resilience project in the playground area after Hurricane Irma. The damage from the hurricane made the playground unsafe. There is new astroturf and there are new awnings among other improvements.

  • Jan will follow up with Ari to document his work, and the resilience concerns he addressed.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:05pm. The next meeting will be at 7:00pm Tuesday, March 13, 2018.