Upcoming Worship Services
at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Boca Raton
Please join us for one of our Sunday services at 10:30 a.m. The service is also live streamed on Zoom.
Click here for the latest Sunday Service information!
Click here for information about Unitarian Universalism.
March 02 at 10:30 AM ET |
“No One Is An Island” with Rev. Edith Love |
We are all interconnected, and it is in working through our differences together that we arrive at deeper relationship and co-create the beloved community. | |
March 09 at 10:30 AM ET |
“Trust, Truth, and Meaning” with Ron Roth Jr. |
Through the lens of Dr. Brené Brown’s BRAVING framework and Unitarian Universalism’s 4th Principle—A free and responsible search for truth and meaning—we will examine how we can rebuild trust, not just in one another, but in the very foundations of our faith and community. Newcomer welcome after service |
March 16 at 10:30 AM ET |
“How To Change Other People” with Rev. Edith Love |
Reverend Edith explores the various ramifications regarding the sticky issue of what to do about people who get on our nerves. How can we make them change? | |
March 23 at 10:30 AM ET |
“Trust and… Second Chances” with Erich Landstrom |
The vernal equinox can be a celebration of rebirth, renewal, and fertility as it welcomes the warmth of spring, the sun’s light, and the awakening of the Earth. | |
March 30 at 10:30 AM ET |
“Transgender People Are Divine” with Erich Landstrom sharing the words of Rev. Edith A. Love. |
Please join us as we celebrate Palm Beach Pride, and Reverend Edith expounds on the divinity of persons within the LGBTQ+ rainbow, especially those fortunate enough to be gender variant or transgender. |
UUnique Traditions and Holidays
Click here to learn about the traditions and holidays that many Universalist congregations celebrate that are unique to our faith, such as the Water Communion and the Flower Communion — ceremonies that celebrate Unitarian Universalism and the importance of each individual’s unique contributions to that community.