Pledging 101


What is a pledge of support?

At UUFBR a pledge is a commitment to make a financial donation of a specific amount for a specific year.

How does the pledge drive work?

All members and friends of UUFBR are asked to make a financial pledge for the coming fiscal year. Pledge forms are mailed in February. Pledges can be paid all at once or over time through the year. Contributions to UUFBR are tax-deductible.

Why is it important to make a pledge?

By making a pledge to UUFBR, you are supporting community outreach, social justice, life span religious education, liberal religious values, and our spiritual home. You are making a difference in the world!

Unlike other religious denominations, UU congregations do not receive support from a parent organization. Each is an independent congregation that chooses to join the Unitarian Universalist Association. Therefore, financial support for a local UU congregation is solely and entirely the responsibility of that local congregation, covering everything from social justice initiatives to paying the electric bill. Pledges are the single largest source of monetary support for the UUFBR.

Why does UUFBR request pledges for the following year?

Just as we all have bills to pay, so too does UUFBR. Monthly commitments like paying Fellowship staff, childcare, and utility bills quickly come to mind. Once the maintenance expenses are covered, the Fellowship can spend money for spiritual, outreach, social, and other special programs. Our governing Board of Trustees makes a budget in the spring for the following fiscal year. Only by knowing what income to anticipate, can the Fellowship commit to funding staff, building expenses, and programs. Even if you are making regular contributions in one year, we need to know what we can count on for the following year.

We collect pledged contributions all year for the current fiscal year, and then we hold an annual canvas/stewardship drive to solicit pledges for the next fiscal year. The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Boca Raton’s fiscal year runs from April 1 to March 31.

You initiate a pledge by filling out a pledge form indicating the amount you will give once a year, quarterly, or monthly. Pledges start immediately unless they are submitted specifically for the following fiscal year during the pledge/canvas/stewardship drive, or unless the pledgers specifically indicate when they will start.

Pledges from new members and friends received during the current year are pro-rated to end at the end of the current fiscal year. Then, we approach these good folks along with the rest of the congregation for the new fiscal year.

What do I get for my financial support?

Determining value is a personal decision. How much is this community worth to you? How important is it to you for us to insure that our religious message has a strong and healthy home where it can be made available to others who may be looking for a religion that promotes inclusion, diversity, and hope? How much is the education of our children worth? How much is justice worth? Or just a good Sunday morning experience?

How much should I pledge?

A pledge is the result of studying your current financial picture and deciding what you can afford, and also deciding how much your fellowship means to you. A pledge is a promise based upon the results of that introspection.

How do I pay my pledge?

You can make a pledge by

  • Completing the pledge form that is mailed to you during the spring pledge drive and depositing it in the pledge box in Osias Hall, mailing it to UUFBR, or bringing it by the Fellowship office
  • Printing and completing the online pledge form.

You can pay once a year, monthly, quarterly, or when you can. Please do your best, but we understand that circumstances can change.  If they do, please contact the office to amend or suspend your pledge.

  • Provide cash.

If this is your preferred method, please put it in an envelope with a note including your name and the amount, as well as instructions that the cash is to be credited to your pledge. Otherwise it may be credited toward the plate offering for the week or as a gift for another program.

  • Write a check.

If you write a check, be sure to note in the memo that it is specifically to credit your pledge (Example: 04/16 Pledge). Checks can be mailed in or added to the collection basket on Sunday.

  • Use your bank’s online services to automatically mail a check to UUFBR.
  • Pay through credit card

If you would like to pay your pledge using your credit card, please click on the “Donate to UUFBR” link at the top of the page and make your payment through Donorbox. Please add ‘Pledge Payment’ in the comment box.

Please keep in mind that if you donate through Donorbox, there will be charge a 3% processing fee. Please adjust your payment accordingly.

  • Pay through PayPal

Please keep in mind that if you donate through PayPal, there will be charge a 3% processing fee. Please adjust your payment accordingly.

Your contributions are 100% tax-deductible. As we receive your payments, the office will send receipts that can be used for tax purposes.

Pledge vs. Non-Pledge Donations

Money is often solicited for specific functions/events/causes, or you may want to designate money to a specific function/event/cause. If you have specific intentions for your donation other than a payment toward your pledge (e.g., Guest at Your Table, auction items, Minister’s Discretionary Fund), please indicate via a note (for cash in an envelope), or in the memo (for a check or Paypal). Any money received by the office manager/accountant that is not specifically designated, but can be identified as coming from you, will be assumed as going toward your pledge. Any money received that is specifically designated for a function/event/cause does NOT also count toward your pledge.