Pagan Study Group FAQ
Pagan Study Group FAQ
a public conversationWhat is this?
a public conversation
What is it about?
We’re forming a pagan study group at UUFBR.
The group goal is to study how the 6th Source and 7th principle of Unitarian Universalism can find richer expression at our Fellowship.
One possible option we’ll be considering is whether to establish a chapter at UUFBR of the Covenant of Unitarian Universalist pagans (CUUPS).
Whether you’re curious, upset or excited about the idea of expanding pagan services, events, rituals and activities at our Fellowship, we want to hear your questions and concerns
What is a pagan?
Someone from a non-Abrahamic, earth-centered faith, often polytheistic or pantheistic
What does worship look like for a pagan?
often more experiential, decentralized, self-led (not lay-led, as many traditions hold adherents AS clergy)
Some pagan traditions do things like creating sacred space; casting a circle; calling quarters; honoring deities; raising energy; casting spells; chanting; dancing; making sacred objects and tools; studying the natural world; meditating; visualizing; authoring one’s own holy book; grounding; researching, studying, and recreating ancient practices; animism; divination;
How will this change our worship services?
Paganism is already influencing services, experiences and conversations at UUFBR and has been for a long time. Our congregation has had members and even clergy that identify as pagan going way back.
Will we get a vote on this?
The board and minister will need to approve a CUUPS chapter, but the Pagan Study Group has been openly asked about and decided. Its an informal working group and several members have decided to go forward with it.
The congregation can decide to vote on it, but its not customary
What is CUUPS?
The Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans (CUUPS) is an organization dedicated to networking Pagan-identified Unitarian Universalists (UUs), educating people about Paganism, promoting interfaith dialogue, developing Pagan liturgies and theologies, and supporting Pagan-identified UU religious professionals.
What does having a CUUPS chapter mean for UUFBR and the area we serve?
The major contribution of a CUUPS chapter to its home congregation is to provide a window for members of the congregation onto Pagan and Earth-centered spirituality.
The major contribution of a CUUPS chapter to the larger Pagan community is very parallel to the contribution made by a UU church to the general religious community. We are blessed with a society harboring diverse spiritual options.
What is paganism?
A polytheistic or pantheistic nature-worshipping religion.
What is CUUPS?
The Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans (CUUPS) was chartered by the Unitarian Universalist Association at the General Assembly in 1987 for purposes of enabling:
networking among Pagan Identified UUs; providing outreach of Unitarian Universalism to the broader Pagan community continentally.
providing educational materials on Paganism for Unitarian Universalist congregations and the general public.
promoting Pagan – Jewish & Christian dialogue; encouraging the development of theo/alogical and liturgical materials based on earth and nature centered religious and spiritual perspectives.
encouraging greater use of music, dance, visual arts, poetry, story, and creative ritual in Unitarian Universalist worship and celebration.
providing support for Pagan-identified UU religious professionals and ministerial students; and fostering healing relationships with our mother the Earth and all her children.
What would a CUUPS chapter be?
Resource for congregation
Connection to outside
Fellowship for pagans seeking such
What would they have to do once they exist?
Promote UUFBR activities in pagan spaces
Pay dues
Want to do?
Keep calendar of relevant internal and external pagan events
Field trips?
Rights of passage?
What is a Pagan Study Group?
You don’t have to be an “official CUUPs chapter” to start having your meetings, classes, ritual etc. It’s ok to start doing the things as a UU pagan study group. Start small, and work your way up. Think about steady, sustainable growth for your group and avoid “flash in the pan” situations where you take on doing too much too fast, burn out, and disband as a result.
Plan to spend a year working together as a study group to learn how to work together and shake out the wrinkles before submitting a CUUPs chapter application. It is normal for all groups to go through the “forming, storming, norming” stages that come before stabilization.
What would the Pagan Study Group need to do?
Be honest and open
What would the Pagan Study Group need to do to start CUUPS chapter?
4 special meetings throughout this year
The one we had Oct 30th
Nuts and bolts
Long Range Planning
Planning Founding Ritual
Compile and address a list of concerns the board might have about CUUPS chapter
Read chapter application, resources,
Present to board, minister and get approval
Want to do?
Facebook page
formats/curricula that we can choose
Cakes for the Queen of Heaven
Simple seeker’s class
List of subjects for discussion we compile ourselves
Advanced- Bucklands complete
Candle magic class
“The Sorceress” movie
What do we do already that a CUUPS chapter might have done?
May pole
Solstice service
Earth centered hymns, readings, meditations in services
Drum circle
Would starting a CUUPS chapter hinder those activities or help them?
Getting information about all of these activities in one place might be empowering for each and fellowship as whole
Are we pushing paganism on the congregation?
“we share the UU tradition of not proselytizing. Our role is to provide worship and information. What we present will resonate with some, who may join us, and not at all with others, who may choose to avoid our events.” – Mary Ann Somervile
Is there enough interest in a pagan study group and maybe eventually a cuups chapter?
Yep, our meeting on 10-30 has concluded that there is
Is there enough volunteer energy for a pagan study group and maybe eventually a cuups chapter? yep, our meeting on 10-30 has concluded that there is
What are we looking to plan next?
Decolonizing Thanksgiving
Imbolc service around Feb 3
Field trip to Florida Day of the Dead?
Halloween next year, this year people were disappointed