On Excavating Treasure
A series of articles based on interviews of people who have been significant leaders at the Fellowship (our “congregational treasures”).
The Legacy Group plans to conduct a worship service this summer at which we’ll revisit ways to create a legacy at UUFBR. We ’ll be presenting more workshops and hosting panel discussions next church year. And we’re ready to share the initial Excavating Treasure articles.
Among the congregational treasures we interviewed so far are Doug Hughes, Harris Riordan, Louise Malusis, and Bill Jensen. Articles, which are written by different people, vary in style and structure, but all of them reveal what we love and value about these congregational treasures.
Other interviews are in the works, with people selected on the basis of age, seniority at the Fellowship, contributions to elected and unelected leadership, age and stage of life, and willingness to share their stories. We welcome your suggestions for interviewees and your participation in this project – everyone here is a treasure, and we need all the help we can get to acknowledge them!
So watch this space for future articles about our congregational treasures. And visit the Legacy page on our website for estate planning forms, brochures about ways to create your own legacy at UUFBR, and upcoming Legacy Group events.