Saturday Afternoon

August 21, 2021

Pray Away

on NetFlix

2021 [PG-13] 1h 41m

GENRES: Documentary Films, LGBTQ Movies, LGBTQ Documentaries
THIS MOVIE IS: Investigative, Emotional

Ex-leaders and a survivor of so-called “conversion therapy: movement speak out about its harm to the LGBTQ+ community and its devastating persistence.
The opening sequence follows a young man named Jeffrey McCall on a rainy day as he paces back and forth in front of a grocery store, asking patrons as they exit, “Do y’all need any prayer?” McCall, we learn, is a modern-day leader in the “conversion therapy” movement, which holds that one can literally “pray away” one’s sexual orientation and become an “ex-gay” through faith and willpower and the support of others with similar experiences.

a Zoom account (see link below).
Click on the link above to watch the movie on your own.

At 3:00 PM, Saturday, click on the link below to join in the discussion.

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Moving forward we are open to any and all suggestions for future films, as we hope this will become a regular part of the life we share together. The group is coordinated by Ellen Cormier, send her an email with your recommendations or suggestions.