Legacy Project

Legacy Project 2022

The UUFBR Legacy Group

The UUFBR Legacy Group

The UUFBR Legacy Group, originally started by Doug Hughes, Bill Jensen and Louise Malusis, is creating a framework of information and options for people who want to donate financial resources to the Fellowship both during life and after death.
The group, which has expanded to include Judy Keiser, Jim Smith, Lynn Smith and Donna Musial, has developed several initiatives:

Two new funds: the Doug Hughes Legacy Operating Expenses Fund and the Capital Improvement Fund. These are now up and running and the first annual transfers have been made from the funds to the Fellowship. By the way, just a few weeks ago we received Doug Hughes’ bequest to his namesake fund. We are ever-grateful to Doug for his forethought and his generosity.

A Legacy Service, presented last year on Doug’s birthday in May, to outline the basic structure of legacy giving at the Fellowship.

An Estate Planning Bequest Form has been created , which can be found on the UUFBR website, to direct bequests toward available funds at UUFBR according to each individual’s priorities and interests.

A Legacy Letters Workshop offered last spring by Judy Keiser. Attendees examined their lives for lessons learned, and outlined and drafted messages either to themselves, or family members, or influential teachers and mentors.

Excavating Treasure, a series of articles based on interviews of people who have been significant leaders at the Fellowship (our “congregational treasures”).
The Legacy Group plans to conduct a worship service this summer at which we’ll revisit ways to create a legacy at UUFBR. We ’ll be presenting more workshops and hosting panel discussions next church year. And we’re ready to share the initial Excavating Treasure articles.


On ​Excavating Treasure

Legacy Project 2021

The UUFBR Legacy Group