The UUFBR Healing Justice Group grew out of a 2013 Second Hour Class (Seasonal
alternative continued education classes offered at UUFBR) discussion of Michelle
Alexander’s book The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness.
Several who took that class were motivated to learn more about the problems Alexander
highlighted and to turn study into action. As a result they presented to the community a
3-part film series on problems in the American justice system brought about by mass
incarceration of young black men.
To date, the goals of the Healing Justice group are education to raise one’s consciousness,
heightening the moral compass of those who are unfamiliar with realities outside of their
own and advocacy for those who experience injustices. We do outreach activities to both
the UUFBR congregation and our community to help create justice that heals, thus our
name, Healing Justice. The group meets once a month at UUFBR, touching on a multitude
of topics and calls to action. The discussion group is open to the community, you do not
need to be a member of the congregation to attend:
- Healing Justice Discussion Group meets every 4th Tuesday
- Healing Justice Forum Facebook page – A safe space to continue the conversations and share information with one another.
Please join us in our activities. Sign up to receive emails by emailing
Each 4th Tuesday every month, – 7:30 PM Zoom Session
Use this link to join on Zoom:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 958 7293 2637
Passcode: 198764
One tap mobile
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In addition to local Healing Justice work, we also work with the UU Justice
Florida for statewide issues. Check out their newsletter here:
Read the Healing Justice Blog here for updates on our efforts.