UUFBR Event calendar
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- 23Office Hours9:00 am - 12:00 pmRuth’s usual office hours (may be subject to change occasionally) , ...Sunday Service10:30 am“Inclusion Through Imperfection” led by Ron Roth (ZOOM AND IN PERSON IN THE SANCTUARY) https://www.uufbr,org/sundayservice/ Meeting ID: 914 8201 7108, Password: 952914 One tap mobile: +19292056099,,745009149# US (New York) , ...Endowment Committee11:45 amThe Members of the Endowment Committee are elected by the congregation and serve three-year terms. Like the Board, the Endowment Committee is accountable directly to the congregation. The Endowment Fund: Sustaining the Legacy, the Continuity, and the Future of UUFBR and our UU Principles The Endowment Fund receives gif , ...
- 24Care Team1:30 pm - 2:30 pmCare Team’s Zoom meeting Meeting ID: 993 3469 9282 Password: 784353 , ...IT Team Quick Checkin 20256:30 pm - 7:00 pmLink Meeting ID: 311 116 1768, Passcode: 596973 One tap mobile: +13052241968,,3111161768# US , ...
- 25Office Hours10:00 am - 3:00 pmRuth’s usual office hours (may be subject to change occasionally) , ...Healing Justice7:30 pmHealing Justice Meeting Monthly on the fourth Tuesday Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/95872932637?pwd=MHZlUGU3S3NDNUlRcHVQbDFNeUc3dz09 Meeting ID: 958 7293 2637 Passcode: 198764 One tap mobile: +13052241968,,95872932637# US , ...
- 26Outside Maintenance9:30 am - 11:30 amThis is a drop-in opportunity, all help is appreciated, come when you can, stay as long as you are comfortable. We may be weeding, trimming shrubs, pulling invasive vines, planting new plants, upgrading hardscape, or other things. Hand tools can be provided. We can accommodate those who may have bending issues. Please , ...Office Hours10:00 am - 3:00 pmRuth’s usual office hours (may be subject to change occasionally) , ...Membership Committee3:00 pmJoin Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/93534994263?pwd=WEwwVE0wMHQzZVg2bC9TeU5NMGdwdz09 Meeting ID: 935 3499 4263 Passcode: 232167 , ...Worship Team5:00 pmThe UUFBR worship committee is here, and it needs you! If you are interested in joining, participating in worship planning, volunteering, or just want to share your thoughts on Sunday Services – please contact us Help us to build meaningful Sunday services that bring us together. Join us in Fellowship, Alternate , ...Choir Rehearsal7:00 pm - 8:30 pmChalice Choir Practice in the Sanctuary Contact our music director Marina Machado for more info. , ...UU Midweek Meditation8:00 pmOur weekly UU Meditation Zoom will open at 8:00 p.m. to allow folks to check in with each other and get settled. Compline itself will begin at 8:30 p.m. There will be music, time just to breathe together, and sharing of words to lift the spirit. This is meant to be a time of meditation, a time of prayer. It is not a di , ...
- 27Stewardship Development Meeting4:00 pm - 5:00 pmDo you love UUFBR and the beloved community it provides for all of us? Do you want to help sustain this beloved community for future generations and help people increase the quality of their commitment (time, skills, money) to UUFBR? Do you have a head for numbers (finance, budgets)? Please come join the Stewardship De , ...Board of Trustees Meeting7:00 pmAll UUFBR members are welcome to attend. https://zoom.us/j/93768534897?pwd=WEFNODZBV21Bc25sQWVjUGlmRzdmdz09 Meeting ID: 937 6853 4897 Passcode: 114338 One tap mobile: +19292056099,,93768534897# US (New York) , ...
- 28Office Hours10:00 am - 3:00 pmRuth’s usual office hours (may be subject to change occasionally) , ...Friday Night Social5:00 pmLet’s wind down the week with a Friday Night Social. Meet new friends, share your week, kick back and relax! https://zoom.us/j/99727829724?pwd=aXZMSUtuSU1FOHRTY2hSS0xRc2Z3Zz09 Meeting ID: 997 2782 9724, Passcode: 818939 Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/99727829724?pwd=aXZMSUtuSU1FOHRTY2hSS0xRc2Z3Zz09 , ...Circle Dinner6:00 pm - 9:00 pmCircle Dinners: Connect, Share, Enjoy Join us for Circle Dinners — a wonderful way to connect with fellow UUFBR members and friends in a warm, informal setting. These potluck-style gatherings are hosted in members’ homes, creating lively evenings filled with delicious food and great conversation. Each participant , ...
- 1The Forum10:00 amA spirited group discussion of social and political issues. Use this link to join on Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/95687792437?pwd=OWRKVnFYY2lLWng5bHk2a2xGLytwdz09 Meeting ID: 956 8779 2437, Password: 525671 , ...Movie Matinee Discussion Group4:00 pmUse this link to join on Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/97402403939?pwd=NXM4dGhHblVpeVN3Yyt5RXFlUXJudz09 Meeting ID: 974 0240 3939 Passcode: 8FJTV2 Send your suggestions for future movies to Ellen Cormier Click here to see the movie we’ll discuss this week, as well as past movies we’ve seen. , ...MLK JR. Uniting East and West7:00 pm - 9:00 pmUniting East and West In a Call for Nuclear Disarmament Join us in a East meets West program to discover MLK’s connection with Japan and his call for a world free of Nuclear Weapons. Learn about MLK’s scheduled trip to Japan in August of 1968 which sadly was not fulfilled due to his assassination 4 months earl , ...
- 2Office Hours9:00 am - 12:00 pmRuth’s usual office hours (may be subject to change occasionally) , ...Sunday Service10:30 am“No One Is An Island” led by Rev. Edith Love We are all interconnected, and it is in working through our differences together that we arrive at deeper relationship and co-create the beloved community. (ZOOM AND IN PERSON IN THE SANCTUARY) https://www.uufbr,org/sundayservice/ Meeting ID: 914 8201 7108, Password: 95291 , ...Teen Tech Support11:30 amOnsite after the service Today UUFBR RE teens will answer your tech questions. Smart phone? iPad? Facebook? Nextdoor? ZOOM? What questions have been nagging you? Live and in-person tech support after the Sunday service provided by our own brilliant youth! , ...UUFBR Annual Congregational Meeting-202512:00 pm - 2:00 pmUUFBR’s Annual Congregational Meeting will be held on Sunday, March 2, 2025, at 12:00 noon. Registration and sign-in will begin following Sunday worship service. Congregants can attend in person in UUFBR’s Sanctuary, or on Zoom using the same Zoom link as used for the Sunday worship service. The agenda for the meeting , ...
- 3IT Team Quick Checkin 20256:30 pm - 7:00 pmLink Meeting ID: 311 116 1768, Passcode: 596973 One tap mobile: +13052241968,,3111161768# US , ...Pagan Study Group – Virtual7:00 pm - 8:00 pmExplore paganism with fellow UUs. The 1st Monday meeting of the month is virtual, and the 3rd is in-person, in the Parker Room 🌒🌕🌘 The UUFBR Ace of CUUPs (Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans) meets twice monthly on Mondays for purposes of enabling: 🧙♀️ networking among Pagan Identified UUs; providing outreach , ...Worship Team7:00 pmThe UUFBR worship team is here, and it needs you! If you are interested in joining, participating in worship planning, volunteering, or just want to share your thoughts on Sunday Services – please contact us Help us to build meaningful Sunday services that bring us together. Join us in Fellowship, Monday evenings , ...
- 4Office Hours10:00 am - 3:00 pmRuth’s usual office hours (may be subject to change occasionally) , ...Landscape Committee7:00 pmA Zoom meeting of the Landscape committee So that everyone may attend. Meeting ID: 954 3272 1616 Passcode: 575795 , ...
- 5Outside Maintenance9:30 am - 11:30 amThis is a drop-in opportunity, all help is appreciated, come when you can, stay as long as you are comfortable. We may be weeding, trimming shrubs, pulling invasive vines, planting new plants, upgrading hardscape, or other things. Hand tools can be provided. We can accommodate those who may have bending issues. Please , ...Office Hours10:00 am - 3:00 pmRuth’s usual office hours (may be subject to change occasionally) , ...Choir Rehearsal7:00 pm - 8:30 pmChalice Choir Practice in the Sanctuary Contact our music director Marina Machado for more info. , ...UU Midweek Meditation8:00 pmOur weekly UU Meditation Zoom will open at 8:00 p.m. to allow folks to check in with each other and get settled. Compline itself will begin at 8:30 p.m. There will be music, time just to breathe together, and sharing of words to lift the spirit. This is meant to be a time of meditation, a time of prayer. It is not a di , ...
- 6Outreach team meeting4:00 pm - 5:00 pmThe Outreach Team engages in projects to help increase UUFBR’s reach on digital platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and Spotify. We also work with the IT Team to make UUFBR’s website accessible, inviting, user friendly and helpful to both our current congregation and to those looking for a new re , ...BOT Discussion Meeting5:30 pm - 6:30 pmIn order to do justice to the work before us and allow for more meaningful discussion of the issues we face, the Board has decided to meet on the first, second, and third Thursdays from 5:30 to 6:30. These meetings are for discussion only; no business will be conducted. Guests are welcome for observation only. Regular , ...CREATIVITY MATTERS: communal, co-creative open sharing event7:00 pm - 8:30 pm⭐ Live, open mic for spoken word, poetry, readings, songs! ⭐ Music, dancing, skits! ⭐ Tables and easels for live visual art! ⭐ Shared goodies! These events will be held in the Sanctuary, where there’s already good sound. If you can arrive at 6:45, even better. We’ll arrange the chairs in a semicircle around the mic, a , ...CREATIVITY MATTERS: communal, co-creative open sharing event7:00 pm - 8:30 pm⭐ Live, open mic for spoken word, poetry, readings, songs! ⭐ Music, dancing, skits! ⭐ Tables and easels for live visual art! ⭐ Shared goodies! These events will be held in the Sanctuary, where there’s already good sound. If you can arrive at 6:45, even better. We’ll arrange the chairs in a semicircle around the mic, a , ...
- 7Office Hours10:00 am - 3:00 pmRuth’s usual office hours (may be subject to change occasionally) , ...Friday Night Social5:00 pmLet’s wind down the week with a Friday Night Social. Meet new friends, share your week, kick back and relax! https://zoom.us/j/99727829724?pwd=aXZMSUtuSU1FOHRTY2hSS0xRc2Z3Zz09 Meeting ID: 997 2782 9724, Passcode: 818939 Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/99727829724?pwd=aXZMSUtuSU1FOHRTY2hSS0xRc2Z3Zz09 , ...First Friday Fun Night7:00 pm - 9:00 pmFirst Friday Fun Night is the first Friday of every month! We will provide an assortment of interactive games, snacks and beverages, or bring your own if you’d like. Come join us. The more the merrier 🙂 Please R.S.V.P by email to Trish Bobbing , ...
- 8The Forum10:00 amA spirited group discussion of social and political issues. Use this link to join on Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/95687792437?pwd=OWRKVnFYY2lLWng5bHk2a2xGLytwdz09 Meeting ID: 956 8779 2437, Password: 525671 , ...Movie Matinee Discussion Group4:00 pmUse this link to join on Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/97402403939?pwd=NXM4dGhHblVpeVN3Yyt5RXFlUXJudz09 Meeting ID: 974 0240 3939 Passcode: 8FJTV2 Send your suggestions for future movies to Ellen Cormier Click here to see the movie we’ll discuss this week, as well as past movies we’ve seen. , ...
- 9Daylight Savings Time StartsAll DayClocks roll forward! , ...Office Hours9:00 am - 12:00 pmRuth’s usual office hours (may be subject to change occasionally) , ...Sunday Service10:30 am“Trust and… The 4th Principle (Sermon of the Month recording)” led by Ron Roth, JR. (ZOOM AND IN PERSON IN THE SANCTUARY) https://www.uufbr,org/sundayservice/ Meeting ID: 914 8201 7108, Password: 952914 One tap mobile: +19292056099,,745009149# US (New York) , ...Newcomer Welcome11:45 amFor new visitors and those who have been attending a while, we invite you to join the Welcome Team in an informal conversation about our faith tradition, the life of the Fellowship and how to get further connected with people and activities. Please reach out by email to the Welcome Team with questions. We look forward , ...
- 10IT Team Quick Checkin 20256:30 pm - 7:00 pmLink Meeting ID: 311 116 1768, Passcode: 596973 One tap mobile: +13052241968,,3111161768# US , ...P.E.A.C.E. Justice Rally7:00 pm - 8:30 pmThis is when we report who we have confirmed for the Nehemiah Action and when the Research Committees will report the research and the proposed action to address the community problems we voted on in the fall. , ...Worship Team7:00 pmThe UUFBR worship team is here, and it needs you! If you are interested in joining, participating in worship planning, volunteering, or just want to share your thoughts on Sunday Services – please contact us Help us to build meaningful Sunday services that bring us together. Join us in Fellowship, Monday evenings , ...Death Cafe7:30 pmJoin us on a Date with Death! Our UUFBR Death Café, moderated by Claire Smith and Diane Garland, will meet on Zoom for our monthly casual conversation about life, death and dying. All are welcome, no advance registration or longterm commitment required. Here’s a recurring zoom link (please note that to maintain a safe, , ...
- 11Office Hours10:00 am - 3:00 pmRuth’s usual office hours (may be subject to change occasionally) , ...
- 12Outside Maintenance9:30 am - 11:30 amThis is a drop-in opportunity, all help is appreciated, come when you can, stay as long as you are comfortable. We may be weeding, trimming shrubs, pulling invasive vines, planting new plants, upgrading hardscape, or other things. Hand tools can be provided. We can accommodate those who may have bending issues. Please , ...Office Hours10:00 am - 3:00 pmRuth’s usual office hours (may be subject to change occasionally) , ...UUFBR Ukulele Group2:00 pmThe Ukuleles are here! Meeting on the second Wednesday of the month at 2 p.m. at the Unitarian Fellowship. New members welcomed. Contact Fritz for more info , ...BOT Discussion Meeting5:30 pm - 6:30 pmIn order to do justice to the work before us and allow for more meaningful discussion of the issues we face, the Board will meet on every Wednesday from 5:30 to 6:30 PM. These meetings are for discussion only; no business will be conducted. Guests are welcome for observation only. Regular Board meetings will continue t , ...Choir Rehearsal7:00 pm - 8:30 pmChalice Choir Practice in the Sanctuary Contact our music director Marina Machado for more info. , ...UU Midweek Meditation8:00 pmOur weekly UU Meditation Zoom will open at 8:00 p.m. to allow folks to check in with each other and get settled. Compline itself will begin at 8:30 p.m. There will be music, time just to breathe together, and sharing of words to lift the spirit. This is meant to be a time of meditation, a time of prayer. It is not a di , ...
- 13Endowment Committee11:45 amThe Members of the Endowment Committee are elected by the congregation and serve three-year terms. Like the Board, the Endowment Committee is accountable directly to the congregation. The Endowment Fund: Sustaining the Legacy, the Continuity, and the Future of UUFBR and our UU Principles The Endowment Fund receives gif , ...Nonviolent Communication12:30 pmNVC is taught as a process of interpersonal communication designed to improve compassionate connection to others. It aims to support change on three interconnected levels: within self, between others, and within groups and social systems. Meeting ID: 966 8206 8893 Passcode: 924753 , ...Stewardship Development Meeting4:00 pm - 5:00 pmDo you love UUFBR and the beloved community it provides for all of us? Do you want to help sustain this beloved community for future generations and help people increase the quality of their commitment (time, skills, money) to UUFBR? Do you have a head for numbers (finance, budgets)? Please come join the Stewardship De , ...Endowment Committee7:00 pmThe Members of the Endowment Committee are elected by the congregation and serve three-year terms. Like the Board, the Endowment Committee is accountable directly to the congregation. The Endowment Fund: Sustaining the Legacy, the Continuity, and the Future of UUFBR and our UU Principles The Endowment Fund receives gif , ...
- 14Office Hours10:00 am - 3:00 pmRuth’s usual office hours (may be subject to change occasionally) , ...Friday Night Social5:00 pmLet’s wind down the week with a Friday Night Social. Meet new friends, share your week, kick back and relax! https://zoom.us/j/99727829724?pwd=aXZMSUtuSU1FOHRTY2hSS0xRc2Z3Zz09 Meeting ID: 997 2782 9724, Passcode: 818939 Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/99727829724?pwd=aXZMSUtuSU1FOHRTY2hSS0xRc2Z3Zz09 , ...
- 15The Forum10:00 amA spirited group discussion of social and political issues. Use this link to join on Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/95687792437?pwd=OWRKVnFYY2lLWng5bHk2a2xGLytwdz09 Meeting ID: 956 8779 2437, Password: 525671 , ...Movie Matinee Discussion Group4:00 pmUse this link to join on Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/97402403939?pwd=NXM4dGhHblVpeVN3Yyt5RXFlUXJudz09 Meeting ID: 974 0240 3939 Passcode: 8FJTV2 Send your suggestions for future movies to Ellen Cormier Click here to see the movie we’ll discuss this week, as well as past movies we’ve seen. , ...
- 16Office Hours9:00 am - 12:00 pmRuth’s usual office hours (may be subject to change occasionally) , ...Sunday Service10:30 am“How To Change Other People” led by Rev. Edith Love Please join us as Reverend Edith explores the various ramifications regarding the sticky issue of what to do about people who get on our nerves. How can we make them change? Join us to find out! (ZOOM AND IN PERSON IN THE SANCTUARY) https://www.uufbr,org/sundayservice , ...Program Planning Meeting March 202512:00 pm - 1:00 pmProgram Planning meeting at Noon in the Parker Room – all team leaders invited , ...The Legacy Group1:00 pmThe Legacy Group Meeting ID: 987 9524 4584 Passcode: 388278 https://zoom.us/j/98795244584?pwd=d1NuVzZnM05ycDkwVWtQQnJyUm1PQT09 , ...
- 17IT Team Quick Checkin 20256:30 pm - 7:00 pmLink Meeting ID: 311 116 1768, Passcode: 596973 One tap mobile: +13052241968,,3111161768# US , ...Pagan Study Group – In Person7:00 pm - 8:00 pmExplore paganism with fellow UUs. The 1st Monday meeting of the month is virtual, and the 3rd is in-person, in the Parker Room 🌒🌕🌘 The UUFBR Ace of CUUPs (Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans) meets twice monthly on Mondays for purposes of enabling: 🧙♀️ networking among Pagan Identified UUs; providing outreach , ...Worship Team7:00 pmThe UUFBR worship team is here, and it needs you! If you are interested in joining, participating in worship planning, volunteering, or just want to share your thoughts on Sunday Services – please contact us Help us to build meaningful Sunday services that bring us together. Join us in Fellowship, Monday evenings , ...
- 18Office Hours10:00 am - 3:00 pmRuth’s usual office hours (may be subject to change occasionally) , ...Care Team – March4:00 pm - 5:00 pmCare Team’s Zoom meeting Meeting ID: 993 3469 9282 Password: 784353 , ...
- 19Outside Maintenance9:30 am - 11:30 amThis is a drop-in opportunity, all help is appreciated, come when you can, stay as long as you are comfortable. We may be weeding, trimming shrubs, pulling invasive vines, planting new plants, upgrading hardscape, or other things. Hand tools can be provided. We can accommodate those who may have bending issues. Please , ...Office Hours10:00 am - 3:00 pmRuth’s usual office hours (may be subject to change occasionally) , ...BOT Discussion Meeting5:30 pm - 6:30 pmIn order to do justice to the work before us and allow for more meaningful discussion of the issues we face, the Board will meet on every Wednesday from 5:30 to 6:30 PM. These meetings are for discussion only; no business will be conducted. Guests are welcome for observation only. Regular Board meetings will continue t , ...UUFBR Book Group7:00 pmThe UUFBR Book Club meets monthly (except Dec.) on the 3rd Wednesday at 7:00 PM in the UUFBR via ZOOM session. Read and talk about books of interest to the group. Fun and enlightening book discussions. Please feel free to bring friends. Membership in UUFBR is not required. Mark your 2024- 2025 Calendars for our ZO , ...Choir Rehearsal7:00 pm - 8:30 pmChalice Choir Practice in the Sanctuary Contact our music director Marina Machado for more info. , ...UU Midweek Meditation8:00 pmOur weekly UU Meditation Zoom will open at 8:00 p.m. to allow folks to check in with each other and get settled. Compline itself will begin at 8:30 p.m. There will be music, time just to breathe together, and sharing of words to lift the spirit. This is meant to be a time of meditation, a time of prayer. It is not a di , ...
- 20Outreach team meeting4:00 pm - 5:00 pmThe Outreach Team engages in projects to help increase UUFBR’s reach on digital platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and Spotify. We also work with the IT Team to make UUFBR’s website accessible, inviting, user friendly and helpful to both our current congregation and to those looking for a new re , ...
- 21Office Hours10:00 am - 3:00 pmRuth’s usual office hours (may be subject to change occasionally) , ...Friday Night Social5:00 pmLet’s wind down the week with a Friday Night Social. Meet new friends, share your week, kick back and relax! https://zoom.us/j/99727829724?pwd=aXZMSUtuSU1FOHRTY2hSS0xRc2Z3Zz09 Meeting ID: 997 2782 9724, Passcode: 818939 Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/99727829724?pwd=aXZMSUtuSU1FOHRTY2hSS0xRc2Z3Zz09 , ...
- 22The Forum10:00 amA spirited group discussion of social and political issues. Use this link to join on Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/95687792437?pwd=OWRKVnFYY2lLWng5bHk2a2xGLytwdz09 Meeting ID: 956 8779 2437, Password: 525671 , ...Movie Matinee Discussion Group4:00 pmUse this link to join on Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/97402403939?pwd=NXM4dGhHblVpeVN3Yyt5RXFlUXJudz09 Meeting ID: 974 0240 3939 Passcode: 8FJTV2 Send your suggestions for future movies to Ellen Cormier Click here to see the movie we’ll discuss this week, as well as past movies we’ve seen. , ...
- 23Office Hours9:00 am - 12:00 pmRuth’s usual office hours (may be subject to change occasionally) , ...Sunday Service10:30 am“Trust and… Second Chances ” led by the Pagan Study Group a pagan/pre-Christian celebration of rebirth, renewal, and fertility as it welcomes the warmth of spring, the sun’s light, and the awakening of the Earth (ZOOM AND IN PERSON IN THE SANCTUARY) https://www.uufbr,org/sundayservice/ Meeting ID: 914 8201 7108 , ...
- 24IT Team Quick Checkin 20256:30 pm - 7:00 pmLink Meeting ID: 311 116 1768, Passcode: 596973 One tap mobile: +13052241968,,3111161768# US , ...Worship Team7:00 pmThe UUFBR worship team is here, and it needs you! If you are interested in joining, participating in worship planning, volunteering, or just want to share your thoughts on Sunday Services – please contact us Help us to build meaningful Sunday services that bring us together. Join us in Fellowship, Monday evenings , ...
- 25Office Hours10:00 am - 3:00 pmRuth’s usual office hours (may be subject to change occasionally) , ...Healing Justice7:30 pmHealing Justice Meeting Monthly on the fourth Tuesday Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/95872932637?pwd=MHZlUGU3S3NDNUlRcHVQbDFNeUc3dz09 Meeting ID: 958 7293 2637 Passcode: 198764 One tap mobile: +13052241968,,95872932637# US , ...
- 26Outside Maintenance9:30 am - 11:30 amThis is a drop-in opportunity, all help is appreciated, come when you can, stay as long as you are comfortable. We may be weeding, trimming shrubs, pulling invasive vines, planting new plants, upgrading hardscape, or other things. Hand tools can be provided. We can accommodate those who may have bending issues. Please , ...Office Hours10:00 am - 3:00 pmRuth’s usual office hours (may be subject to change occasionally) , ...Membership Committee3:00 pmJoin Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/93534994263?pwd=WEwwVE0wMHQzZVg2bC9TeU5NMGdwdz09 Meeting ID: 935 3499 4263 Passcode: 232167 , ...Board of Trustees Meeting5:30 pmAll UUFBR members are welcome to attend. https://zoom.us/j/93768534897?pwd=WEFNODZBV21Bc25sQWVjUGlmRzdmdz09 Meeting ID: 937 6853 4897 Passcode: 114338 One tap mobile: +19292056099,,93768534897# US (New York) , ...Choir Rehearsal7:00 pm - 8:30 pmChalice Choir Practice in the Sanctuary Contact our music director Marina Machado for more info. , ...UU Midweek Meditation8:00 pmOur weekly UU Meditation Zoom will open at 8:00 p.m. to allow folks to check in with each other and get settled. Compline itself will begin at 8:30 p.m. There will be music, time just to breathe together, and sharing of words to lift the spirit. This is meant to be a time of meditation, a time of prayer. It is not a di , ...
- 27Stewardship Development Meeting4:00 pm - 5:00 pmDo you love UUFBR and the beloved community it provides for all of us? Do you want to help sustain this beloved community for future generations and help people increase the quality of their commitment (time, skills, money) to UUFBR? Do you have a head for numbers (finance, budgets)? Please come join the Stewardship De , ...
- 28Office Hours10:00 am - 3:00 pmRuth’s usual office hours (may be subject to change occasionally) , ...Friday Night Social5:00 pmLet’s wind down the week with a Friday Night Social. Meet new friends, share your week, kick back and relax! https://zoom.us/j/99727829724?pwd=aXZMSUtuSU1FOHRTY2hSS0xRc2Z3Zz09 Meeting ID: 997 2782 9724, Passcode: 818939 Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/99727829724?pwd=aXZMSUtuSU1FOHRTY2hSS0xRc2Z3Zz09 , ...Circle Dinner6:00 pm - 9:00 pmCircle Dinners: Connect, Share, Enjoy Join us for Circle Dinners — a wonderful way to connect with fellow UUFBR members and friends in a warm, informal setting. These potluck-style gatherings are hosted in members’ homes, creating lively evenings filled with delicious food and great conversation. Each participant , ...PRIDE sign-making party!6:30 pm - 8:30 pmFriday night, March 28th 6:30 to 8:30 pm PRIDE sign-making party! Osias Hall at UUFBR Sponsored by Healing Justice We will be marching in the Palm Beach Pride parade on Sunday, March 30th and we want to have awesome signs! Let’s show the world we stand for love, equality, and radical inclusion! Let’s raise our v , ...
- 29The Forum10:00 amA spirited group discussion of social and political issues. Use this link to join on Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/95687792437?pwd=OWRKVnFYY2lLWng5bHk2a2xGLytwdz09 Meeting ID: 956 8779 2437, Password: 525671 , ...Palm Beach Pride12:00 pm - 6:00 pmHealing justice invites you to attend this event with us on Saturday, March 29th. The event is A LOT of fun and we plan to wear out UUFBR T-shirts to help spread the word about our Welcoming congregation. The event runs from 12:00 – 6:00 pm. More details coming soon! Where: Bryant Park, Lake Worth Beach, FL [Cl , ...Movie Matinee Discussion Group4:00 pmUse this link to join on Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/97402403939?pwd=NXM4dGhHblVpeVN3Yyt5RXFlUXJudz09 Meeting ID: 974 0240 3939 Passcode: 8FJTV2 Send your suggestions for future movies to Ellen Cormier Click here to see the movie we’ll discuss this week, as well as past movies we’ve seen. , ...Classical Music Candlelight Concert – Love In Bloom7:00 pm - 9:00 pmTickets available at https://givebutter.com/MUUSIC25 Celebrate the melodies of love and spring with “A Candlelight Concert: Love in Bloom.” Immerse yourself in a magical evening filled with enchanting music performed by acclaimed musicians Marina Machado on piano, Megan Hagel on cello, and Nat Farrar on clarinet. Set , ...
- 30Office Hours9:00 am - 12:00 pmRuth’s usual office hours (may be subject to change occasionally) , ...Sunday Service10:30 am“Co-creating With the Divine” Erich Landstrom reading for Rev. Edith Love Please join us as we celebrate Palm Beach Pride, and Reverend Edith expounds on the divinity of persons within the LGBTQ+ rainbow, especially those fortunate enough to be gender variant or transgender. (ZOOM AND IN PERSON IN THE SANCTUARY) https: , ...
- 31IT Team Quick Checkin 20256:30 pm - 7:00 pmLink Meeting ID: 311 116 1768, Passcode: 596973 One tap mobile: +13052241968,,3111161768# US , ...Worship Team7:00 pmThe UUFBR worship team is here, and it needs you! If you are interested in joining, participating in worship planning, volunteering, or just want to share your thoughts on Sunday Services – please contact us Help us to build meaningful Sunday services that bring us together. Join us in Fellowship, Monday evenings , ...
- 1Office Hours10:00 am - 3:00 pmRuth’s usual office hours (may be subject to change occasionally) , ...Landscape Committee7:00 pmA Zoom meeting of the Landscape committee So that everyone may attend. Meeting ID: 954 3272 1616 Passcode: 575795 , ...
- 2Outside Maintenance9:30 am - 11:30 amThis is a drop-in opportunity, all help is appreciated, come when you can, stay as long as you are comfortable. We may be weeding, trimming shrubs, pulling invasive vines, planting new plants, upgrading hardscape, or other things. Hand tools can be provided. We can accommodate those who may have bending issues. Please , ...Office Hours10:00 am - 3:00 pmRuth’s usual office hours (may be subject to change occasionally) , ...BOT Discussion Meeting5:30 pm - 6:30 pmIn order to do justice to the work before us and allow for more meaningful discussion of the issues we face, the Board will meet on every Wednesday from 5:30 to 6:30 PM. These meetings are for discussion only; no business will be conducted. Guests are welcome for observation only. Regular Board meetings will continue t , ...Choir Rehearsal7:00 pm - 8:30 pmChalice Choir Practice in the Sanctuary Contact our music director Marina Machado for more info. , ...UU Midweek Meditation8:00 pmOur weekly UU Meditation Zoom will open at 8:00 p.m. to allow folks to check in with each other and get settled. Compline itself will begin at 8:30 p.m. There will be music, time just to breathe together, and sharing of words to lift the spirit. This is meant to be a time of meditation, a time of prayer. It is not a di , ...
- 3Outreach team meeting4:00 pm - 5:00 pmThe Outreach Team engages in projects to help increase UUFBR’s reach on digital platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and Spotify. We also work with the IT Team to make UUFBR’s website accessible, inviting, user friendly and helpful to both our current congregation and to those looking for a new re , ...
- 4Office Hours10:00 am - 3:00 pmRuth’s usual office hours (may be subject to change occasionally) , ...Friday Night Social5:00 pmLet’s wind down the week with a Friday Night Social. Meet new friends, share your week, kick back and relax! https://zoom.us/j/99727829724?pwd=aXZMSUtuSU1FOHRTY2hSS0xRc2Z3Zz09 Meeting ID: 997 2782 9724, Passcode: 818939 Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/99727829724?pwd=aXZMSUtuSU1FOHRTY2hSS0xRc2Z3Zz09 , ...First Friday Fun Night7:00 pm - 9:00 pmFirst Friday Fun Night is the first Friday of every month! We will provide an assortment of interactive games, snacks and beverages, or bring your own if you’d like. Come join us. The more the merrier 🙂 Please R.S.V.P by email to Trish Bobbing , ...
- 5The Forum10:00 amA spirited group discussion of social and political issues. Use this link to join on Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/95687792437?pwd=OWRKVnFYY2lLWng5bHk2a2xGLytwdz09 Meeting ID: 956 8779 2437, Password: 525671 , ...Movie Matinee Discussion Group4:00 pmUse this link to join on Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/97402403939?pwd=NXM4dGhHblVpeVN3Yyt5RXFlUXJudz09 Meeting ID: 974 0240 3939 Passcode: 8FJTV2 Send your suggestions for future movies to Ellen Cormier Click here to see the movie we’ll discuss this week, as well as past movies we’ve seen. , ...