Endowment Committee

Endowment Committee

UUFBR’s Endowment Fund was established to further the cause and principles of The Fellowship and Unitarian Universalism
The 6 Members of the Endowment Committee are elected by the congregation and serve three-year terms.

Like the Board, the Endowment Committee is accountable directly to the congregation.

The Endowment Fund: Sustaining the Legacy, the Continuity, and the Future of UUFBR and our UU Principles

The Endowment Fund receives gifts beyond the annual operating budget of the fellowship, providing individuals the opportunity to realize the satisfaction of permanently supporting Unitarian Universalist values and principles in our congregation and the larger community.

It is a chance to leave a legacy for those who will come after us – a chance to keep our chalice light alive

Ways of Giving

Current Gift

An outright gift of money, securities or property is the simplest method, if you wish to receive an immediate tax deduction.

Gifts by Will

You may designate the UUFBR Endowment Fund as a beneficiary under your will.

Beneficiary Designation

Life insurance, retirement plans, bank accounts, and joint tenancies allow you to direct proceeds of that asset into the Endowment Fund.

Planned Gifts

If you are looking for income, capital gains avoidance or reduced taxes, then the planned charitable gift options such as a Charitable Remainder Trust or a Charitable Lead Trust may be right for you.

Legacy Gifts

Cash is the simplest, most direct method of giving. Securities Tax benefits can make appreciated securities attractive. Life Insurance Policies may be transferred easily by naming UUFBR Endowment Fund as beneficiary. Other Property of Value Books, art objects, or furnishings and other materials of value can be gifts.
Memorial Fund
Are you aware of the Memorial Fund? Gifts may be made at any time and in any amount to honor the memory of members or friends. At the time of death, friends may be invited give to the UUFBR Memorial Fund in lieu of other remembrances. Memorial Fund cards are available through the office.
Remember The Occasion
We now have a program for gifts (in any amount) received in honor of, or to celebrate, a person or occasion. Acknowledgement Cards will be sent to honoree and donor.
Remembrance Bricks
Please inquire about our Brick Pathways Program. If you decide to honor someone by having a brick installed, you may designate “Brick-Endowment” on your check.
Endowment Grants
The Endowment Fund provides grants for long term development and special projects which shall “further the cause and principles of The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Boca Raton or Unitarian Universalism”.

The Endowment Committee has given grants allowing UUFBR to be A Teaching Congregation, seeded Terrific Tuesdays Program, and upgraded the sanctuary sound system. Grants have also been given to Barton’s Boosters and River of Grass UU Congregation.

The Committee considers grant requests three times a year in June, October, and February.

To request a grant from the  Endowment Committee, please download and fill out this Endowment Grant Fund Request Form.