Climate Change Working Group

Climate Change Working Group

The UUFBR Climate Change Working Group is not currently active, but in the past has engaged in educational and advocacy efforts on the issue of global climate change. Emphasis has been on:

Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Action Plan

Advocating for and providing public outreach on the Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Action Plan at community events, and cooperating with other organizations to raise public awareness about the impacts of climate change that are already being felt in our Southeast Florida communities. Members of the Climate Change Working Group have participated with, and provided leadership for the Climate Action Coalition of South Florida. The Climate Change Working Group will be working to include our region’s specific strategies to address climate change in Florida Earth Festival activities.

Southeast Florida Sea Level Awareness Project
Creating the Southeast Florida Sea Level Awareness Project to raise local awareness about climate change related sea level rise. The UUFBR Climate Change Working Group served in a mentorship role to Religious Education students at UUFBR as they created Sea Level Awareness Project poles, and had them installed in public places to inform the public about local challenges related to climate change. SLAP poles can be seen at UUFBR, the Gumbo Limbo Nature Center, the Youth Activity Center in Veteran’s Park in West Boca Raton, Pine Jog Environmental Education Center, and on Deerfield Island. A teacher packet describing how to make a SLAP pole was created so others can spread information about sea level rise.


Proposed CSAI—Climate Action and Adaptation Plans
In 2012, an effort was made by the group to focus denominational advocacy efforts, and to have adaptation plans studied denominationally. For more information: Proposed CSAI—Climate Action and Adaptation Plans: Why Greenhouse Gases and their Effects Matter to Us


How Congregations Can Catalyze Climate Action in Their Communities
Members of UUFBR participated in the Florida Interfaith Climate Action Network 2016 General Assembly. Jan Booher presented information about UUFBR’s activities and the activities of the Climate Action Coalition of South Florida.  How Congregations Can Catalyze Climate Action in Their Communities is a PowerPoint with speaker’s notes from this presentation.


Municipalities Toolkit
Municipalities Toolkit Version 7 was created to provide tools for local advocacy on climate change.