Our Board of Trustees

We are congregational in polity. Every congregation in the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA), is independent and self-governing.
Decision making authority rests with the congregation. Our by-laws state that decisions about finances, real estate, and ministry must be made at a Congregational Meeting. In practice, we gather to vote more often than required. All members in good standing may vote at Congregational Meetings.
UUFBR also has a tradition of Town Meetings, community conversations about issues of import. No votes are taken, for this is a time of open dialogue and consensus building. All members, friends and visitors are welcome to participate in Town Meetings.
The day to day affairs are managed by the Board of Trustees, elected at the Annual Meeting every February. The 5 officers and 4 trustees serve staggered three-year terms.
The Board meets on the 4th Thursday of the month from 7 to 9:30 pm. Guests are welcome.
Board Members
Rajeev Arora
Claire Smith
Vice-President, Facilities
Patrick Larson
Judy Keiser
Bill Jensen
Trustees at Large
Howard Prentice
Rick Troiano
Carole Stephens
Lynn Smith